The workshop aims to enhance knowledge on safety standards and good practice for radiation protection of patients and staff in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine, thus contributing to reducing risks and strengthening safety culture while delivering high quality medical services.


Nuclear medicine procedures for diagnostic and therapy are rapidly growing, and the access to them improves worldwide. Along with the substantial benefits for patients, the introduction of new technologies, new procedures or new radiopharmaceuticals poses new radiation protection challenges and risks for unintended or accidental exposures of patients or staff members. The workshop will support knowledge exchange for ensuring safe use of nuclear medicine methods for diagnosis and treatment, in line with the International Basic Safety Standards (GSR Part 3) and good international practice.

The workshop seeks to target qualified clinical medical physicists with at least five years of experience in nuclear medicine. It is particularly relevant to candidates from departments that intend to introduce new methods and new radiopharmaceuticals into clinical use. Participants will be requested to present the radiation protection programme of their departments.